Yesterday, I spent the day baking another "Gayke" for a friend's birthday party. It's been a year since I've baked a gayke and I've learned SO much in that time. The cake didn't come out perfectly - it was a tad lumpy, but I know how to fix it for next time and I'm pretty happy with the results! The cake was 6 layers, each dyed a color of the rainbow, and I used my ever popular vanilla batter with the addition of lemon zest. Between the layers, I brushed a raspberry-basil sauce and piped in some light lemony no-buttercream frosting. The outside is iced with the same frosting and topped with a fondant rainbow made by my guy. Below are pics of last year's Gayke compared to this year's...I think I've improved quite a bit!!
2011 Gayke - Vanilla Cake with Orange No-Buttercream
2012 Gayke - Vanilla-Lemon Cake with Raspberry-Basil Sauce & Lemon No-Buttercream
2011 Gayke Insides
2012 Gayke Insides
Serious excitement!
This cake was so delicious. For real. <3