Monday, September 24, 2012

Tahini Rice Noodles Revisited

Remember how I made Tahini Rice Noodles the other day? Well, after an awesome session at Springboard Pilates and a brusque walk home, I felt like a big plate of veggies, rice noodles, and tahini again! I took a picture this time so you can actually see what it looks like. Made a few changes such as adding zucchini, carrot, and white turnip and not using bell pepper. I also included a few shakes of dulse granules on top for some seaweed-goodness. And again, it's delicious.

Let me just mention that the kale, red cabbage, white turnip, zucchini, carrot, yellow beans, and radish are all from our farm share through Snell Family Farm. It's incredible how amazing it feels to eat food that was picked a few days ago and didn't need to travel from California or New Mexico to get to your plate. Farm share = do it. You will thank me.

Also, I'm seriously love tahini, you guys. I might need an intervention; I almost added it to my oatmeal this morning.


  1. I admit it doesn't look as appealing. But I tasted it once and it really tastes delicious. It's super healthy and nutritious too.

  2. Agreed, Jacob! It took me a while to get into it, but now I'm completely hooked and use it in everything!
